Best place to learn yoga

Formación de profesores de yoga para niños en Hong Kong

Sobre LolaSoy profesora de yoga desde el año 2012. Hago del yoga mi forma de vida, por lo que no puedo decir que sólo practique yoga con mis alumnos. Cada oportunidad en la vida es una forma de aprender, de reflexionar, de saber cómo enfocar tus emociones, tus pensamientos y ver cómo la simple respiración influye en tu propia forma de desenvolverte en el mundo. Esto es lo que intento enseñar a mis alumnos para que se lleven las lecciones en su rutina diaria.

Soy profesora de Kundalini Yoga certificada por KRY. Las clases de Kundalini tienen como objetivo mostrar tu máximo potencial como persona, son aptas para cualquier persona independientemente de su condición. Las clases trabajan con una consecución de ejercicios específicos que trabajan diferentes temas, como trastornos del sueño, limpieza del cuerpo, sistema muscular. Puedes decirme que te gustaría trabajar y yo preparo en base a la metodología de Yogui Bajan la clase pertinente para abordar lo que necesites. Todas las clases incluyen ejercicios de calentamiento que mejorarán tu forma física y flexibilidad, así como una relajación y meditación que te permitirán explorar otras facetas de ti mismo, así como relajarte y obtener una visión más clara de tu vida y nuevos enfoques. En las clases también utilizamos mantras específicos para eliminar y trabajar bloqueos emocionales y psicológicos. Si lo prefieres también imparto clases de Hatha Yoga en las que nos centramos más en la parte física a través de asanas que favorecen el conocimiento de tu cuerpo y la ganancia de flexibilidad, así como la relajación física y mental.

What is rainbow yoga

As a beginner I must say that it was an experience that changed my life completely, I learned what yoga really is and my body improved in strength and flexibility, the yogic diet is very good and sometimes they pamper you with delicious desserts, I am very lucky because a friend recommended me this place and it was the best choice, they also have a garden where you can sunbathe or study, which is very rare to find in Rishikesh. The agenda is quite full, it is a very intense course but it is worth it to see the results at the end of the day, I take home very good memories.

Children’s yoga course

Together with the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika it forms an essential trilogy for yoga scholars. The techniques it expounds are the basis for many contemporary yoga practices.

«By learning the alphabet, with practice, all sciences can be mastered; likewise, by first mastering Hatha Yoga one acquires in the end the knowledge of truth that frees the soul from bondage.»

«According to deeds, good or bad, the bodies of all living beings are produced, and the bodies give rise to actions (karma leading to rebirth). In this way, the cycle repeats itself like the continuous turning of the wheel of a water mill».

Purification (kriya): is acquired with the regular practice of the six kriyas, which are purification practices including nasal cleansing or cleansing of the gastro-intestinal tract.

About the author: Nona Rubio is a contributor to Sociedad Geográfica de las Indias. She is passionate about traveling and tells us stories that speak of a vast country with which you have to be patient if you want to know it from the inside. For more information: [About us]

Children’s yoga teacher training ireland

The teacher we got was very experienced in traditional yoga. The nice staff was cooking fresh meals for us. The pick up included was well organized. The communication at forfront by mail and whatsapp was good, we always received a quick response.

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We feel wholeheartedly sorry for your dissatisfying experience at Yoga Nisarga. It all happened because the head of Yoga Nisarga Hari had to go to visit Thailand to handle an emergency situation. As a coincidence, another lead teacher had left us a week back, as he had to attend to his family for 2 weeks. For your batch, we had arranged the other instructor Arvind by looking at his promising profile from his impressive education and experience.

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