How to improve yoga practice

Balance your body, mind and soul with yoga

To help you on your path in yoga I have just launched the online course Your first steps in yoga. The workshop focuses on how to do basic postures depending on your abilities, how to modify them according to your body and how to continue to grow in your practice.

What better way to generate some internal heat and activate my energy than doing this yoga sequence, with postures that allow me to ground myself on the floor and others that challenge me to do the opposite, to balance on one leg.

Trataka meditation to increase concentration.

In the 300-hour Rainbow Yoga Specialization Teacher Training course we move as one, supporting each other, being supported and co-creating an experience that expands the heart, uplifts the spirit and extends beyond the yoga mat.

Yoga means unity or connection, and at Rainbow Yoga we take this concept further than ever; we learn to connect not only with ourselves, but also with everyone and everything around us. Bringing people together is the essence of Rainbow Yoga and what you will learn to convey to your community and the world at large in this training.

The program runs for 28 days. All students are required to remain on-site for the duration of the teacher training. Teacher training is held six days a week with one day off to rest and relax at the beautiful retreat site, or you may choose to enjoy and explore the beautiful surroundings.

Transportation, return airfare, airport transfers, optional excursions, activities and outdoor meals are not included in the tuition cost. They must be arranged and purchased on your own. Bring cash for optional day trips and massages that are arranged during training for an additional charge.

YOGA para mejorar tu RESPIRACIÓN

La clase está dirigida por un instructor que guía a los participantes a través de diversos ejercicios con una banda sonora de música contemporánea. El objetivo es desarrollar numerosos dominios de la forma física, en particular la aptitud cardiovascular, la resistencia cardiovascular y la flexibilidad.

El Yoga Pilates se basa en movimientos inspirados en el deporte. Dado que existe la posibilidad de correr y saltar mucho, lo ideal son zapatillas de cross-training con acolchado. Es posible que se sienta más cómodo con pantalones cortos y una camiseta de corte seco que permita evacuar el sudor.

Yoga Pilates es aeróbic, deporte y fuerza combinados, incorporando todo tu cuerpo. Si estás empezando, te darán opciones de bajo impacto que adaptarán cada entrenamiento a tu nivel de forma física.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum volutpat at quam eget imperdiet. Donec molestie, velit ut lobortis ultricies, risus libero eleifend neque, ac euismod ipsum diam vitae erat. Nullam congue metus ac est lobortis, non porttitor turpis dictum. Proin eros libero, faucibus sit amet ultricies in, sodales sit amet nunc. Morbi pulvinar, libero id iaculis ultrices, sapien enim ornare dui, ullamcorper facilisis lectus odio at arcu. Vivamus facilisis id turpis eu vehicula. Donec gravida.

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